Division of Church Ministries
M1213 Missions Orientation
The study of the basic principles of missions and church growth with special attention to a biblical theology of missions. It includes an examination of the issues faced by today’s churches and Christian missionaries: the divine call, recruitment, theological issues, cultural problems, political involvement, methodology, and indigenization.
M1223 Church Administration
A study of the theoretical and practical aspects of church and Christian organizational structures. The following concepts are studied: leadership, management, interpersonal relationships, and evaluation of personnel and programs.
M2113 Church Strategy
A survey of current church growth theory and practice with special attention to receptive and resistant people groups, spiritual soil testing, and goal setting for significant increase in the churches of West and Central Africa.
M2143 Introduction to Christian Education
An overview of the function and place of Christian education in the Church. The course includes a study of the basic objectives and biblical principles of education that is Christian.
M2333 Marriage and Family
An examination of the biblical meaning of marriage and family and biblical guidelines for healthy and productive marriages and families. Students consider the proper relationship between the minister and his or her marriage and family, and how pastoral counseling can strengthen marriages and families in the church. The study emphasizes the role of the family in accomplishing missio Dei.
M3113 Biblical Ethics
A study of the principles of biblical ethics with application to contemporary issues in the African context, such as euthanasia, birth control, abortion, racism, tribalism, polygamy, bribery, and general ministerial ethics.
M3123 Bible School Administration
A study of the basic principles of organization of Bible schools, including the development of a purpose statement, objectives, details of administration, personnel, programs, facilities and accreditation, with emphasis upon Africa’s need for trained church leaders.
M3223 Homiletics
An analysis of the principles and practices of preparing and preaching biblical, missional sermons. The student concentrates on preparing and delivering relevant expository sermons.
M3343 Holistic Witness: Principles and Practices
A study of the biblical, theological foundation of holistic witness. Students consider the issues related to HIV/AIDS and other community health concerns; the responsibility of the Church as a redemptive, missional agent in society; and development of micro-enterprises in the community.