Course Offerings by Year and Semester & Course Descriptions
Courses are offered within five academic divisions. Click on the title to see course descriptions in each division.
B Bible
BL Biblical Languages
G General Education
M Church Ministries
T Theology and Church History
First Semester
B1223 Exegesis I 3
G1113 Research Methods 3
M1213 Missions Orientation 3
M1223 Church Administration 3
T1123 Christology/Soteriology 3
T1243 Church History I & II 3
Total Credit Hours 18
Second Semester
B2113 Romans & Galatians 3
G1213 English Composition/Grammar 3
T1213 History of the Church in Africa 3
T1223 Apologetics 3
Total Credit Hours 12
First Semester
G1123 French 3
G2223 Cultural Anthropology 3
M2143 Introduction to Christian Education 3
M2333 Marriage and Family 3
T2213 Johannine Theology 3
T2223 Pneumatology 3
Total Credit Hours 18
Second Semester
B2123 Acts 3
B2223 Biblical Archeology/ Intertestamental History 3
G2233 Principles of Teaching 3
M2113 Church Strategy 3
Total Credit Hours 12
Bachelor of Theology Degree
First Semester
B3213 Major Prophets 3
BL3113 Greek I 3
G3113 Introduction to Philosophy 3
M3113 Biblical Ethics 3
M3223 Homiletics 3
T3233 African Contemporary Theology 3
Total Credit Hours 18
Second Semester
B3223 Exegesis II 3
BL3213 Greek II 3
G3243 Thesis 3
M3123 Bible School Administration 3
M3343 Holistic Witness: Principles and Practices 3
T3113 Islam in Africa 3
Total Credit Hours 18
Total number of credits earned: 96
Transfer credits from a Bible institute/other: 33
Total credits for the Bachelor of Theology degree: 129
Post-secondary Diploma in Theology
First Semester
B3213 Major Prophets 3
G3113 Introduction to Philosophy 3
M3113 Biblical Ethics 3
M3223 Homiletics 3
T3233 African Contemporary Theology 3
M3133 The Work of the Pastor* 3
Total Credit Hours 18
*Global/ICI course
Second Semester
B3223 Exegesis II 3
M3123 Bible School Administration 3
M3343 Holistic Witness: Principles & Practices 3
T3113 Islam in Africa 3
T3243 Human Relations* 3
M3263 Evangelism Today* 3
Total Credit Hours 18
*Global/ICI course
Total credits for the Post-secondary Diploma in Theology: 96