Application Forms and Admissions Procedure for the Bachelor of Theology and Post-secondary Diploma in Theology
The application forms and fee schedule offered below apply only to study at WAAST’s main campus, in Lomé, Togo. You may choose to study at one of WAAST’s extension centers. Active centers are located in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso; Mbalmayo, Cameroon; Daloa, Côte d’Ivoire; Kinshasa and Lubumbashi, DR Congo; Kumasi, Ghana; Dakar, Senegal; and Freetown, Sierra Leone. Extension center coordinators can provide you with information and an application.
Application Forms
Academic Fees WAAST-AGGST 2023-2024
Application Forms Information
- An application packet may be purchased for 2,500 cfa from the WAAST receptionist.
- The application forms may also be downloaded from this Web site and the application fee of 2,500 cfa paid at registration.
- The application packet contains:
- Application for Admission
- Church Recommendation form
- Health History form
- Medical Report form
- Request for Transcripts (originals required)
- The admission forms need to be completed, signed, and returned to the registrar’s office along with all required transcripts and two passport-sized photos (one is for an ID card).
Entry of New Students
New students are accepted into the Bachelor of Theology (BTh) program and the Post-secondary Diploma in Theology program once a year, at the end of February.
Time Frame of the Program
- The Lomé campus operates 2 semesters each year.
- The February/April semester is 9 weeks.
The August/September semester is 6 weeks, except for the final semester of those who will graduate in November. The final semester lasts approximately 13 weeks.
Admission Procedure
- Take and pass the entrance exams. (Scroll down for exam schedule.)
- Complete all the application forms and return them to the registrar’s office.
- Receive official acceptance from WAAST.
Entrance Exam Information
- All prospective students must take and pass the entrance exams in Bible and English in order to qualify for admission.
- A prospective student may purchase the application packet either before taking the entrance exams or after receiving notification that he/she passed the exams.
- After a student has passed the entrance exams, he/she will be informed to complete and return all the application forms.
- Entrance exams are generally held three times a year.
Entrance Exam Procedure
- See the WAAST receptionist to register for the entrance exams.
- Complete a registration form.
- Register at least 1 day in advance, and preferably 1-2 weeks prior to the exams. You will not be allowed to take the exam if you come the day of the exams without having registered in advance.
- The entrance exam fee is 5,000 cfa and must be paid prior to taking the exams.
All exams begin at 8 a.m. Please be prompt as the exams are timed and begin as a group.
Entrance Exam Schedule 2024
Thursday, December 7, 2023
Thursday, February 8, 2024
Tuesday, June 4, 2024
Tuesday, October 1, 2024
Thursday, December 5, 2024
Academic Calendar 2024
First Semester
Academic and financial registration: February 23 & 25
Classes begin: February 26
Classes end: April 26
Second Semester
Academic and financial registration: August 9 & 11
Classes begin: August 12
Classes end for first- and second-year students: September 20
Classes end for graduating students: November 8
Graduation: November 16
- Admission to the Bachelor of Theology and Diploma in Theology Programs
- Application Forms and Admissions Procedure for the Bachelor of Theology and Post-secondary Diploma in Theology
- Admission to the Master of Arts Program
- Application Forms and Admissions Procedure for the Master of Arts Program
- Entrance Exams
- Fee Schedule 2025
- Financial Policies and Financial Aid