Category: Pray for WAAST

WAAST Prayer Guide – January 2, 2022

CHALLENGES FACING WAAST We praise God that the 2021 academic year, though challenging, was successful beyond expectation. WAAST graduated its largest class in its 50-year history, as many students who could not complete the program in 2020 were able to finish. This year, though some pandemic-related constraints continue, we...

WAAST Prayer Guide – December 26, 2021

WORKERS IN MEDIA & TRANSLATION In Africa, as around the world, COVID-19 restrictions brought about a surge of interest in and application of social media platforms to broadcast services to church members and others. While some WAAST students and alumni already work with media, including radio, TV and online...

WAAST Prayer Guide – December 19, 2021

WORKERS IN COMPASSION MINISTRIES Beginning in Acts 2, we see Spirit-filled disciples sharing with those in need, healing in Jesus’ name, caring for widows, etc. Showing compassion flows naturally from serving our Lord. Many WAAST students and graduates are involved in compassion ministries, some as their primary ministry, and...

WAAST Prayer Guide – December 12, 2021

WORKERS AMONG MUSLIMS Many WAAST students and alumni minister in Muslim areas—some because this is where the Lord has placed them, others because Muslims are moving into their areas as Islam spreads throughout West and Central Africa. Some were once Muslims themselves and seek to bring others out of...

WAAST Prayer Guide – November 28, 2021

This week pray for YOUTH PASTORS The onset of the global pandemic and the subsequent restrictions and economic fallout this past year have made life for young people (late teens to marriage) in Africa more uncertain. Some have fallen behind in school or no longer have the means to...

WAAST Prayer Guide – November 21, 2021

WOMEN IN MINISTRY Whether they are working alongside their pastor husbands (and overseeing the church when their husbands are away at WAAST), teaching youngsters in a Christian school, discretely discipling a secret believer, talking to young ladies about godly marriage, evangelizing, and even planting churches, women serve in vital...

WAAST Prayer Guide – November 7, 2021

THE 2021 GRADUATION WAAST is marking its 50th anniversary with a record number of graduates! This coming Saturday, November 13, 150 students will walk across the platform to receive their hard-earned diplomas: 20 the Post-secondary Diploma in Theology, 120 the Bachelor of Theology, and 10 the Master of Arts...

WAAST Prayer Guide – October 31, 2021

MISSIONARIES Some WAAST students and alumni serve as missionaries, either in another country or in an ethnically different region of their own nation. They face the challenges of language learning, navigating cultural differences, and dealing with culture shock. They must learn how people think and what they value so...

WAAST Prayer Guide – October 24, 2021

BIBLE SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS & TEACHERS Proper theological, Pentecostal training for church leaders and workers is crucial, so that they can disciple believers and help them find their roles in Kingdom work. Many WAAST students and alumni are involved full- or part-time in training new pastors, missionaries, and workers. They...

WAAST Prayer Guide – October 17, 2021

EVANGELISTS You can find them preaching with a megaphone in open-air markets, riding motorcycles on bush paths to reach far-flung villages, showing a film on a makeshift screen in empty lots in towns and cities—even atop a van dubbed “the moving pulpit.” Some WAAST students and alumni have a...