Author: Brenda Smith

WAAST Prayer Guide – April 17, 2022

This week pray for THE EXTENSION CENTER IN CAMEROON Nearly all of WAAST’s 200 graduates from Cameroon have passed through this extension center in Mbalmayo. They serve as pastors, Bible school directors and teachers, church-planters, youth and children’s ministers, and more, most with the Full Gospel Mission and the...

WAAST Prayer Guide – April 10, 2022

This week pray for THE EXTENSION CENTER IN GHANA This extension center, based in Kumasi, is meeting from April through June with 32 students. The third-year students will come to the central campus in Lomé in August to complete their studies and graduate. New students will enter the program...

WAAST Prayer Guide – April 3, 2022

This week pray for THE EXTENSION CENTER IN BURKINA FASO The WAAST extension center, held on the campus of the main Bible school in Ouagadougou, just completed its first session of 2022, with 17 students. Over the years WAAST has graduated 140 workers from Burkina Faso. Three alumni were...

WAAST Prayer Guide – March 27, 2022

This week pray for TOGO—OUR HOST COUNTRY Since 1973 more than 300 Togolese pastors have graduated from WAAST. They have served or are serving as church leaders, from the national-church to the local-church level; as Bible school directors and teachers (who are required to be WAAST graduates); as missionaries...

WAAST Prayer Guide – March 20, 2022

This week pray for NIGERIA More than 214 million people live in Nigeria, Africa’s most populous nation. Roughly half follow Islam, mainly in the north, and the others identify as Christians (25% evangelical), generally in the south—and all are influenced by traditional animism. The spiritual battle between the Cross...