Author: Brenda Smith

WAAST Prayer Guide – May 9, 2021

ASSEMBLIES OF GOD GRADUATE SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY Students are arriving for the Master of Arts session, which begins Monday, May 10 and runs through July 28. In 2020, no classes could be held due to COVID-19 restrictions, and we praise God that it is possible to travel and meet...

WAAST Prayer Guide – May 2, 2021

THE EXTENSION CENTER IN GABON This center is currently meeting, with 12 students. Most of these are preparing to come to the central campus later this year, along with another seven who were not able to come in 2020. Classes were on hold for most of 2020, but during...

WAAST Prayer Guide – April 25, 2021

THE EXTENSION CENTER IN CÔTE D’IVOIRE This center is currently in session, with 18 students. Despite the pandemic, they were able to hold classes in 2020, some in person, respecting the protocols, and some by video conference. Nearly 100 WAAST graduates from this nation serve as leaders at national...

WAAST Prayer Guide – April 18, 2021

THE EXTENSION CENTERS IN CONGO (DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC) In March 2020, courses at the newly opened WAAST center in Lubumbashi were abruptly stopped as the pandemic started. Courses at both the BTh and MA levels to be held in Kinshasa later in the year were likewise canceled. The centers have...

WAAST Prayer Guide – April 11, 2021

THE EXTENSION CENTER IN CAMEROON This center begins a new session this week. The April 2020 session was canceled, but they were able to resume courses in October, with some 35 students. New first-year students will join them this session. Those from the two English-speaking regions, wracked by civil...