Pray for the Unreached

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Here are some suggestions for using these prayer bulletins to intercede for the unreached in Africa and beyond.


WAAST Prayer Guide – June 5, 2022

This week pray for EMPOWERMENT FOR THE UNFINISHED TASK Today is Pentecost Sunday! Over the past week, and even past weeks, Pentecostal churches in many African nations have been holding special prayer meetings and services to teach about and seek the baptism in the Holy Spirit. Nearly two thousand WAAST alumni and students are emphasizing […]

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Prayer Bulletin – June 3, 2022

Last updated:2/06/22

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WAAST Prayer Guide – May 29

This week pray for THE EXTENSION CENTER IN SENEGAL This extension center started in 2009 and is directed by a WAAST graduate, who also heads the Assemblies of God’s Bible institute near Dakar. In this staunchly Muslim nation, church growth is slow—but it is happening! Before the pandemic, the Senegal AG, led by another WAAST […]

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Prayer Bulletin – May 27, 2022

Download Last updated:26/05/22

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WAAST Prayer Guide – May 20, 2022

This week pray for RESIDENT STAFF AT THE CENTRAL CAMPUS This past year five new families have joined the resident team at WAAST: two American couples, a French family, a Swiss/Togolese family, and a French/Canadian couple. All have wide experience in Africa and in theological higher education. Aside from teaching, they bring a variety of […]

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Prayer Bulletin – May 20, 2022

Download Last updated:19/05/22

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WAAST Prayer Guide – May 15, 2022

This week pray for THE EXTENSION CENTER IN CÔTE D’IVOIRE This center, located in Daloa, is currently in session with 15 first-year students and 3 in the second year. WAAST alumni, some 95 of them, are active in pastoring, planting churches, training over 700 more workers in the four Bible schools and other training programs, […]

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Prayer Bulletin – May 13, 2022

Download Last updated:12/05/22

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WAAST Prayer Guide – May 8, 2022

This week pray for ASSEMBLIES OF GOD GRADUATE SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY Some 90 students from 11 nations are expected for the 2022 Master of Arts session, which begins on Monday, May 9. They need our prayers over the next ten weeks as they take seven intensive courses, each lasting 8 days (including some Saturdays). First-year […]

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Prayer Bulletin – May 6, 2022

Download Last updated:5/05/22

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