Pray for the Unreached

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Here are some suggestions for using these prayer bulletins to intercede for the unreached in Africa and beyond.


WAAST Prayer Guide – March 27, 2022

This week pray for TOGO—OUR HOST COUNTRY Since 1973 more than 300 Togolese pastors have graduated from WAAST. They have served or are serving as church leaders, from the national-church to the local-church level; as Bible school directors and teachers (who are required to be WAAST graduates); as missionaries both within and outside of Togo […]

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Prayer Bulletin – March 25, 2022

Last updated:24/03/22

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WAAST Prayer Guide – March 20, 2022

This week pray for NIGERIA More than 214 million people live in Nigeria, Africa’s most populous nation. Roughly half follow Islam, mainly in the north, and the others identify as Christians (25% evangelical), generally in the south—and all are influenced by traditional animism. The spiritual battle between the Cross and the crescent rages throughout this […]

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Prayer Bulletin – March 18, 2022

Download Last updated:17/03/22

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WAAST Prayer Guide – March 13, 2022

This week pray for EQUATORIAL GUINEA (EG) The Central African nation of Equatorial Guinea consists of a small mainland section and two islands in the Gulf of Guinea. EG gained independence from Spain in 1968, and most people still speak Spanish as well as their tribal language. The exploitation of oil has made EG the […]

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Prayer Bulletin – March 11, 2022

Last updated:10/03/22

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WAAST Prayer Guide – March 6, 2022

This week pray for NIGER This desert land is located in Africa’s Sahel region, which has become the world’s epicenter of Islamic terrorism. Most of Niger’s 23 million people follow a moderate form of Islam, but extremists are working to radicalize and recruit young people. The government does permit freedom of worship, and churches can […]

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Prayer Bulletin – March 4, 2022

Download Last updated:3/03/22

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WAAST Prayer Guide – February 27, 2022

This week pray for THE NEW SESSION & NEW STUDENTS Lugging their bags and backpacks, students are arriving on the WAAST campus and settling in for the next nine weeks. Most will take six courses, beginning on Monday. Third-year English-speaking students will stay until mid-June to make up courses missed last year because of the […]

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Prayer Bulletin – February 25, 2022

Last updated:24/02/22

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