Pray for the Unreached

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Here are some suggestions for using these prayer bulletins to intercede for the unreached in Africa and beyond.


WAAST Prayer Guide – October 31, 2021

MISSIONARIES Some WAAST students and alumni serve as missionaries, either in another country or in an ethnically different region of their own nation. They face the challenges of language learning, navigating cultural differences, and dealing with culture shock. They must learn how people think and what they value so they can more effectively present the […]

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Prayer Bulletin – October 29, 2021

Last updated:27/10/21

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WAAST Prayer Guide – October 24, 2021

BIBLE SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS & TEACHERS Proper theological, Pentecostal training for church leaders and workers is crucial, so that they can disciple believers and help them find their roles in Kingdom work. Many WAAST students and alumni are involved full- or part-time in training new pastors, missionaries, and workers. They direct or teach in formal Bible […]

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Prayer Bulletin – October 22, 2021

Last updated:21/10/21

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WAAST Prayer Guide – October 17, 2021

EVANGELISTS You can find them preaching with a megaphone in open-air markets, riding motorcycles on bush paths to reach far-flung villages, showing a film on a makeshift screen in empty lots in towns and cities—even atop a van dubbed “the moving pulpit.” Some WAAST students and alumni have a special call to evangelistic outreach. As […]

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Prayer Bulletin – October 15, 2021

Last updated:14/10/21

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WAAST Prayer Guide – October 10, 2021

This week pray for PASTORS AND CHURCH PLANTERS The majority of WAAST students and alumni are in pastoral ministry. Their contexts and congregations vary widely, from small villages to large cities, from a few dozen people to a few thousand, in areas where the gospel message is embraced to communities where it is openly opposed. […]

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Prayer Bulletin – October 8, 2021

Download Last updated:7/10/21

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WAAST Prayer Guide – October 3, 2021

NATIONAL AND DISTRICT CHURCH LEADERS In nine countries of West Africa, the national Assemblies of God is led by a WAAST alumnus. Many alumni serve on the AG Executive Committees in both West and Central African nations. Still more serve as district/regional church leaders, overseeing dozens or even hundreds of churches. Others head various departments […]

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Prayer Bulletin – October 1, 2021

Last updated:30/09/21

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