Pray for the Unreached

Interested in Starting a Prayer Group?

Here are some suggestions for using these prayer bulletins to intercede for the unreached in Africa and beyond.


WAAST Prayer guide – September 26, 2021

STUDENTS’ FAMILIES & FINANCES Most first- and second-year students have completed this year’s courses and returned to their families and ministries. Those in the third year are here for seven more weeks, completing their thesis projects and final courses. Meanwhile, their families and churches at home carry on. Many spouses take on extra responsibilities as […]

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Prayer Bulletin – September 24, 2021

Last updated:23/09/21

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WAAST Prayer Guide – September 19, 2021

THE CHALLENGE OF POLITICS What is the role of the Christian in secular politics? Should one seek office, hoping to be a change agent and witness in this influential sphere? Should a church or denomination campaign for a favored candidate? These challenging questions are the subject of much debate. Dedicated Christians who hold secular political […]

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Prayer Bulletin – September 17, 2021

Last updated:16/09/21

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Bulletin de prière – 17 septembre 2021

Last updated:16/09/21

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WAAST Prayer Guide – September 12, 2021

TRIBALISM & REGIONALISM In Revelation 7, John writes of “a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before…the Lamb” (v. 9). The Lamb, Jesus, brings together those who were once divided on earth—by ethnicity, language, religion, customs, politics, and more. On earth, nations and peoples struggle with […]

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Prayer Bulletin – September 10, 2021

Last updated:9/09/21

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WAAST Prayer Guide – September 5, 2021

INSTABILITY & PERSECUTION Pentecostal churches, particularly the Assemblies of God, have spread throughout West and Central Africa, especially over the past 60 years. Their history is filled with stories of opposition, persecution, and martyrdom—and of great growth and victories. Many WAAST students and alumni today still face great challenges. Terrorist attacks (often targeting Christians), political […]

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Prayer Bulletin – September 3, 2021

Last updated:2/09/21

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WAAST Prayer Guide – August 29, 2021

THE CHALLENGE OF ISLAM Islamic theology directly opposes the biblical view of a loving God who seeks a relationship with all people. Islam’s god, Allah, is demanding and distant, and Muslims are taught to seek to please him by following the teachings of the Prophet Mohammad—teachings that reject Jesus as the Son of God and […]

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