Pray for the Unreached

Interested in Starting a Prayer Group?

Here are some suggestions for using these prayer bulletins to intercede for the unreached in Africa and beyond.


Prayer Bulletin – August 27, 2021

Last updated:26/08/21

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WAAST Prayer Guide – August 22, 2021

SYNCRETISM & CULTS When a person leaves one religion to embrace another, often his former beliefs and rituals are not easily left behind. Mixing beliefs and rituals from unrelated religions is called “syncretism,” and it happens around the world. In Africa, those who turn to Jesus from voodoo and animism may see no conflict in […]

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Prayer Bulletin – August 20, 2021

Last updated:19/08/21

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WAAST Prayer Guide – August 15, 2021

THE TABERNACLE SHOP For the past 10 years, the tabernacle fabrication shop on the WAAST campus has blessed many churches with a roofed steel shelter in which to meet. A Togolese team and US teams set up the structures, and the receiving congregations complete their building with a floor and walls as the Lord provides. […]

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Prayer Bulletin – August 13, 2021

Last updated:12/08/21

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WAAST Prayer Guide – August 8, 2021

STUDENTS IN THE FINAL SEMESTER Students are arriving by bus, car, motorcycle, and airplane to begin courses on Monday. More than 120 third-year students are expected from seven extension centers, including some who were not able to complete their studies in 2020. The largest group ever is expected on campus—more than 220—and many adjustments are […]

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Prayer Bulletin – August 6, 2021

Last updated:5/08/21

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Prayer Bulletin – July 30, 2021

Last updated:29/07/21

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Prayer Bulletin – July 23, 2021

Last updated:22/07/21

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WAAST Prayer Guide – July 18, 2021

CAMPUS IMPROVEMENTS & LIBRARY RESOURCES This past week the last of the trusses was hauled up and welded into place on the three-story dormitory, and now the roof will go on and inside work can begin. During 2020, while the campus was largely shut down, many needed repairs and renovations were completed on four dormitories. […]

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