Pray for the Unreached

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Here are some suggestions for using these prayer bulletins to intercede for the unreached in Africa and beyond.


Prayer Bulletin – June 11, 2021

Last updated:10/06/21

Posted in Pray for the Unreached, Pray with Us | Comments Off on Prayer Bulletin – June 11, 2021

WAAST Prayer Guide – June 6, 2021

THE EXTENSION CENTER IN NIGER Hundreds of thousands more people pushed below the poverty line due to COVID-19. Islamic attacks. Political tension. Twenty of the 21 indigenous people groups considered unreached. In this challenging context, the Church in Niger is moving forward. In September 2020 the Niger Assemblies of God launched a new discipleship/church-planting initiative. […]

Posted in Pray for the Unreached, Pray with Us | Comments Off on WAAST Prayer Guide – June 6, 2021

Prayer Bulletin – June 4, 2021

Last updated:3/06/21

Posted in Pray with Us | Comments Off on Prayer Bulletin – June 4, 2021

WAAST Prayer Guide – May 30, 2021

THE EXTENSION CENTER IN MADAGASCAR In a context of great poverty and strong pagan traditions, the Assemblies of God of Madagascar continues to grow as people see the stark difference between the formal mainstream churches that dominate, and the 900+ Spirit-led AG congregations. The AG has fewer than 600 trained pastors, and the Bible school […]

Posted in Pray for WAAST, Pray with Us | Comments Off on WAAST Prayer Guide – May 30, 2021

Prayer Bulletin – May 28, 2021

Last updated:27/05/21

Posted in Pray for the Unreached, Pray with Us | Comments Off on Prayer Bulletin – May 28, 2021

WAAST Prayer Guide – May 23, 2021

This week pray for EMPOWERMENT FOR THE UNFINISHED TASK Today is Pentecost Sunday! As we Pentecostals well know, this Sunday marks the day the Holy Spirit descended on those waiting in the Upper Room—and the empowering of these men and women to take the gospel to the ends of the earth. This empowerment is for […]

Posted in Pray for WAAST, Pray with Us | Comments Off on WAAST Prayer Guide – May 23, 2021

Prayer Bulletin – May 21, 2021

Last updated:20/05/21

Posted in Pray for the Unreached, Pray with Us | Comments Off on Prayer Bulletin – May 21, 2021

WAAST Prayer Guide – May 16, 2021

THE EXTENSION CENTER IN GHANA This extension center, based in Kumasi, was able to hold classes throughout 2020 despite pandemic restrictions. The center also provided help to 16 third-year students who could not cross the border into Togo to attend the second-semester 2020 classes, holding three of the courses for them. Nearly 400 Ghanaians have […]

Posted in Pray for WAAST, Pray with Us | Comments Off on WAAST Prayer Guide – May 16, 2021

Prayer Bulletin – May 14, 2021

Last updated:13/05/21

Posted in Pray for the Unreached, Pray with Us | Comments Off on Prayer Bulletin – May 14, 2021

WAAST Prayer Guide – May 9, 2021

ASSEMBLIES OF GOD GRADUATE SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY Students are arriving for the Master of Arts session, which begins Monday, May 10 and runs through July 28. In 2020, no classes could be held due to COVID-19 restrictions, and we praise God that it is possible to travel and meet this year. Nearly 100 students are […]

Posted in Pray for WAAST, Pray with Us | Comments Off on WAAST Prayer Guide – May 9, 2021